PKF elections

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The 23rd Panamercan Karate Championships were succesfully held in Curacao from May 28th to May 30th with the participation of 198 competitors from 20 countries. In the frame of the event, PKF held elections for its new Directing Committee the result of which were as follows:


President - William Millerson - AHO

Vice president South America - Edgar Ferraz - BRA

Vice President North America - John di Pasquale - USA

Vice President Central America - Oswalds Mata - ESA

Vice President Caribbean - Angel Acosta - DMA

Secretary general - Carmela Diaz - VEN ( Resigned on May 28th)

Assistent to the secretary general - Miguel Soffia - CHI

Treasurer - Tony Mendez -PUR

Assistent to the treasurer - Jose garcia Maañon - ARG