Antonio Espinos, re-elected as WKF President for a third 6 year period

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During the Congress which took place on the occasion of the XX World Senior Karate Championships, Mr Antonio Espinos was re-elected as WKF President for the third consecutive time and for the next 6 year period.

The new Executive Committee elections were also held at the Congress resulting in the following members of the new executive board, according to the votes obtained:

President: Mr. Antonio Espinós

AKF: 3 elected members
1. Mr. Iwaki Hashimoto - 65 votes
2. Mr. Xuhui Wang - 63 votes
3. Mr. Kuang Huei Chang - 51 votes

EKF: 5 elected members
1. Mr. George Yerolimpos - 70 votes
2. Mr. Esat Delihasan - 69 votes
3. Mr. Gunnar Nordahl - 65 votes
4. Mr. Michael Dinsdale - 61 votes
5. Ms. Yrsa Lindqvist - 58 votes

OKF: 1 elected member
Mr. Michael Kassis - 69 votes

PKF: 4 elected members
1. José García Maañón - 60 votes
2. Mrs. Carmen Díaz - 59 votes
3. Mr. William Millerson - 55 votes
4. Mr. Tony Méndez - 54 votes

UFAK: 3 elected members
1. Mr. Béchir Chérif - 57 votes
2. Mr. Souleymane Gaye - 48 votes
3. Mr. Dieudonné Okombi - 48 votes

One of the two main issues dealt with at the Congress was that this will be the first time the event will be TV produced and 15 national televisions will be broadcasting the Competition.

he second important issue was the presentation of the WKF Premier League (Karate 1), a new and very important project that will be developed from 2011.

It is the new series of 10 top level Karate events around the world with prize money for the first time in WKF.