ANOC General Assembly

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The President and the General Secretary of the WKF have been visiting Russia in the occasion of the ANOC General Assembly, from the 9th to the 16th April. Also the 1st WKF Vice-president Mr. William Millerson was present in Moscow, contributing to the contacts with the NOC's through his vast experience and relationships.

During the trip, they met with NOCs leaders, IOC members and local sport authorities in a rather fruitful visit that has served as prelude of the incoming months, were the WKF will be intensively campaigning for the 2020 Olympics. The next appearance of the WKF at the international scene will be in one month from now in Québec, Canada, during the annual SportAccord Convention, where the WKF will present officially Karate 2020 to the Olympic Family.

Mr. Yuri Avdeev, Chairman of the Sports Committee of St Petersburg city and Mr. Antonio Espinós, WKF President.