4th WKF Youth World Cup and Training Camp

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4th WKF Youth World Cup Individual Kata & Kumite & Training Camp

LOUTRAKI - GREECE, 4th July - 10th July 2011


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You will find in English, French and Spanish the Regulation for the different levels of WKF coach licence, including an index of the matters to be dealt with in the briefing that will allow to get the first level. ONLY "ACCREDITED COACHES" WILL RECEIVE AN ACCREDITATION THAT WILL ENTITLE THEM TO ACT AS A COACH IN WKF OFFICIAL EVENTS.

The different stages of the process for licensing coaches will be the following:

1. Each NF will register the National coaches that the NF wants to become "WKF Accredited Coach".
2. These coaches will attend an official briefing called by the WKF.
3. After and only after attending the briefing, and upon signature of the Accreditation agreement (Annex 1), a coach will become an "Accredited Coach" which will authorize him/her to officiate as coach in official WKF events (World Championships, World Cups, PL events).
4. An Accredited Coach that proves to have at least 3 years experience as coach at international level (statement of the NF) will be entitled to undergo an examination (the same as the theoretical referee examination); if passed they will get a WKF Diploma of "Certified Kumite Coach" or "Certified Kata Coach" depending on the examination passed. For this the NFs will have to register the eligible candidates (Accredited Coaches) and these will undergo the examination in coincidence with the theoretical examination for WKF referees during the annual referee course right before the World Championships.
5. Those coaches that have become both Certified Kata and Kumite Coach may be further awarded a WKF Diploma with the level of "Certified Karate Coach" accrediting through its NF an experience of 5 years serving as coach at WKF events as well as the other conditions listed in the relevant regulation.
6. The licence of the levels "Accredited Coach" and of "Certified Kata/Kumite Coach" will both have to be renewed every 3 years.

Consequently, we have to start now with the Briefing to accredit coaches that will entitle them to coach at the next World Championships. Those who want to coach at the next World Championships will have to attend a compulsory briefing and also sign the Accreditation Agreement. This Briefing will be included in the activities program of the said World Championships.

Also the WKF is planning to have the Briefing conducted at the next Youth Camp in July in Greece, information on which will be included in the Bulletin of the said Youth Camp. Those who attend in Greece and consequently get the level of a WKF "Accredited Coach" in the Youth Camp in July and have an experience of at least 3 years as coach at international level, will be eligible to apply for "Certified Kumite Coach" or/and "Certified Kata Coach" at the next World Junior & Cadet Championships in November.


Dear participant,

After three first successful editions, we face in 2011 the 4th edition of the WKF Youth Camp and World Cup. Again in Greece, in a location close to the Athens airport and in a facility, like Loutraki, where the participants are going to find the ideal conditions to fulfil the objective of the Camp, how is training with top world known instructors in a friendly and cosmopolitan atmosphere whilst getting in touch for a week long with the state of the art of the sport of Karate.
Loutraki has an experience of many years in hosting a significant diversity of sporting Youth Camps and consequently the expertise that assures this 4th WKF Youth Camp to be a complete success.
Finally, I would like to thank the Hellenic Karate Federation and the local authorities for their help and support and I am looking forward to welcoming you all personally

Antonio Espinos, WKF President
